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2002至2019年对广东、广西和海南主要森林生态系统的72个保护区、森林公园、植物园、公园和林场等的多孔菌进行了采集和调查,共采集标本2 095号,经对这些材料全面和系统的研究,发现多孔菌500种,按照最新的系统学研究分属于8个目、20个科、145个属,其中多孔菌科和锈革孔菌科分别有173种和124种,约占总数的60%,是最重要的多孔菌类群。此外,其中有10个新属和132个新种是作者等人根据华南地区模式标本发现描述的。本文对华南地区多孔菌多样性进行了系统归纳,按最新的分类系统以属名顺序给出了名录,根据采集材料提供了每种的生长基质,并对所有种类的生长基质习性进行了统计。其中,294、138、112、97、78、77和29种分别生长在倒木、落枝、朽木、死树、活立木、树桩、掉落小枝和地上,故倒木是多孔菌最重要的生长基质。  相似文献   
罗智檜  牛鑫  魏生龙  于海萍  张波  李玉 《菌物学报》2020,39(9):1741-1749
以采自甘肃省祁连山国家级自然保护区菌物保育区的野生侧耳作为试验材料,通过形态学及系统发育分析方法将其鉴定为冷杉侧耳Pleurotus abieticola。对该菌株生物学特性及栽培条件进行初步研究,结果表明:菌丝体最适生长温度为25℃;最适pH为7.0;最适碳源为玉米粉;最适氮源为豆粉;在以棉籽壳、木屑和麸皮为栽培料时,可获得子实体。  相似文献   
宋莹  刘娜  杨瑞恒  刘俊杰  张敏 《菌物学报》2020,39(6):1109-1116
香菇是我国深受欢迎的食药用菌,产量居食用菌产业之首。为拓宽栽培香菇菌株的遗传背景,解决现有主栽香菇菌株种性退化的问题,本研究以香菇‘808’菌株与3个香菇野生资源、3个栽培菌株(辽抚4号、BY1和荷香)开展单-双杂交育种,开发适合当地栽培环境的主栽品种。研究结果显示:在270对单-双杂交组合中,通过锁状联合观察和与亲本的拮抗试验,鉴定出89个杂交子,进一步通过栽培试验筛选出10个性状相对优良的候选菌株;最终通过农艺性状对比试验,筛选出ZJXG 5和ZJXG 8两个优良杂交菌株,这两个菌株均以当地长白山野生资源S1和本地主栽菌株BY1为双核杂交亲本选育而来,表现出超亲显著、菇形圆整、颜色呈浅褐色的特性,前4潮生物学效率在86%-88%之间。本研究结果揭示,在香菇杂交育种中,当亲本菌株来源地域与杂交后代菌株筛选地域相近时,单双杂交亲和率、杂交菌株的出菇率和丰产性指标较高,这提示我们,利用当地野生香菇资源更有利于创制适合当地自然环境的地方品种。  相似文献   
Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis has recently been used as a new tool for estimating intraspecific diversity. However, whether known haplotypes contained in a sample can be detected correctly using eDNA‐based methods has been examined only by an aquarium experiment. Here, we tested whether the haplotypes of Ayu fish (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis) detected in a capture survey could also be detected from an eDNA sample derived from the field that contained various haplotypes with low concentrations and foreign substances. A water sample and Ayu specimens collected from a river on the same day were analysed by eDNA analysis and Sanger sequencing, respectively. The 10 L water sample was divided into 20 filters for each of which 15 PCR replications were performed. After high‐throughput sequencing, denoising was performed using two of the most widely used denoising packages, unoise3 and dada2 . Of the 42 haplotypes obtained from the Sanger sequencing of 96 specimens, 38 (unoise3 ) and 41 (dada2 ) haplotypes were detected by eDNA analysis. When dada2 was used, except for one haplotype, haplotypes owned by at least two specimens were detected from all the filter replications. Accordingly, although it is important to note that eDNA‐based method has some limitations and some risk of false positive and false negative, this study showed that the eDNA analysis for evaluating intraspecific genetic diversity provides comparable results for large‐scale capture‐based conventional methods. Our results suggest that eDNA‐based methods could become a more efficient survey method for investigating intraspecific genetic diversity in the field.  相似文献   
The availability of sufficient and diverse resources across time is important for maintenance of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. In this study, we examine the potential for variation in environmental conditions across topographic gradients to extend floral resource timing. Flowering time on a landscape may vary across topography due to differences in abiotic factors, species turnover, or genotypic differences. However, the extent to which this variation in phenology affects overall flowering duration on a landscape, and the components of diversity that influence flowering duration, are unexplored. We investigate whether differences in flowering time due to topography yield an overall extension in duration of flowering resources in a northern California grassland. We recorded flowering time of pollinator resource species across four successive spring growing seasons (2015–2018) on paired north and south aspects. Flowering time differences were evaluated both at the community level and within species present on both paired aspects. The role of plasticity was examined in an experimental case study using genotypes of Lasthenia gracilis. We found that aspect is a strong determinant of phenology, with earlier flowering on warmer south‐facing slopes. Aspect differences resulted in complementarity in timing of flowering resources across sites, as aspects that started flowering earlier also ended earlier. Complementarity between north and south aspects served to extend the flowering time of pollinator resources by an average of 4–8 days (8%–15%), depending on the year. This extension can be attributed to both within‐species responses to aspect differences and species turnover. Flowering of L. gracilis genotypes was distinct across aspects, demonstrating that plasticity can drive the extension of flowering duration. Our findings indicate that heterogeneous topography can extend overall flowering time of pollinator resources, which may support pollinator biodiversity. Extension was most pronounced at the community level, which incorporates species turnover as well as plastic and genotypic differences within species.  相似文献   
随着转基因植物的大面积种植,转基因植物的生态风险受到广泛关注,其中主要的风险是转基因植物与近缘物种之间的基因流及其影响。本文综述了目前商业化种植的转基因作物油菜、棉花、玉米和大豆,以及未商业化种植的水稻、小麦的基因流研究进展;分析了不同转基因作物与其近缘种之间发生基因流的频率和最远发生距离;介绍了降低基因流发生的方法。基因流频率受物种亲缘关系、花期重叠时间、风速风向等因素的影响,最远发生距离受气候条件、传粉媒介、地理条件等因素的影响。转基因作物与其近缘种之间的基因流频率与距花粉源的距离呈负相关关系(y=-0.59x-0.46,R2=0.25,P<0.01),亲缘关系近的基因流频率高。为了降低转基因植物与其近缘物种之间的基因流风险,建议采取“分区管理”的策略,并加强基因流发生之后的生态风险评价研究。  相似文献   
濒危植物野外回归是扩大极小种群野生植物种群的有效途径。适宜的回归生境是物种生长的必要条件, 研究植物的生理生态特征对不同野外回归生境的适应性, 是科学评价濒危物种种群回归生境适宜性的关键指标。本文以野外回归的极小种群野生植物梓叶槭(Acer catalpifolium)为研究对象, 探讨了无遮荫、林缘、林隙以及林下(郁闭度由小到大) 4种不同光照条件对梓叶槭幼树的形态特征、光合特征、类黄酮指数及叶绿素含量等的影响。结果表明: (1)随着郁闭度的增大, 梓叶槭幼树的基径、冠幅以及新生枝条数量产生差异, 均呈现先增大后减小的趋势; (2)在林缘生境中, 梓叶槭幼树的单叶面积及单叶质量均最大, 比叶面积随着郁闭度的增大而增大; (3)随着郁闭度的增大, 梓叶槭叶片胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾速率及气孔导度均呈现先减小后增大的趋势, 叶绿素含量呈现上升趋势, 类黄酮指数则呈现先增大后减小的趋势。综上可知, 林缘适宜的光照条件更适合梓叶槭野外回归。这一结果可为梓叶槭以及其他极小种群野生植物的回归生境适宜性的探索研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   
浙江是中国野生葡萄属资源分布较广泛、种类较多的地区之一,但对野生葡萄属资源的深入研究和合理开发利用不多。我们在野外调查和民间走访的基础上,结合查询文献资料,分析浙江境内野生葡萄资源的特点,并提出野生葡萄资源创新利用的思路。  相似文献   
Dissection of the genetic basis of wheat ionome is crucial for understanding the physiological and biochemical processes underlying mineral accumulation in seeds, as well as for efficient crop breeding. Most of the elements essential for plants are metals stored in seeds as chelate complexes with phytic acid or sulfur‐containing compounds. We assume that the involvement of phosphorus and sulfur in metal chelation is the reason for strong phenotypic correlations within ionome. Adjustment of element concentrations for the effect of variation in phosphorus and sulfur seed content resulted in drastic change of phenotypic correlations between the elements. The genetic architecture of wheat grain ionome was characterized by quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis using a cross between durum and wild emmer wheat. QTL analysis of the adjusted traits and two‐trait analysis of the initial traits paired with either P or S considerably improved QTL detection power and accuracy, resulting in the identification of 105 QTLs and 617 QTL effects for 11 elements. Candidate gene search revealed some potential functional associations between QTLs and corresponding genes within their intervals. Thus, we have shown that accounting for variation in P and S is crucial for understanding of the physiological and genetic regulation of mineral composition of wheat grain ionome and can be implemented for other plants.  相似文献   
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